Call us on 07738 150891 

Grenade Grafix - Experts in Design and Production of Visual Merchandising 

Our customers need help with more solutions for getting their messages out there. Our retail customers are facing an ever more competitive High Street and it is clear that visual merchandising play a strategic role in profitability. 
If your competitors are shouting about who they are and what they do, we want to ensure your brand is screaming! 

Ready for whatever challenge we are set 

Understandably, Creative Designers like to throw their all into their branding, so we ensure all elements of the Grenade Grafix team are ready for whatever challenge we are set. Feature walls and windows are always a winner as you can see by some of our work. 
Wall Wrapping - Vinyl, Wallpaper, Cladded Foamex. 
Hanging Systems - Wide Format Hanging Banner Systems. 
Magnetic Graphics. 
Kadar Frames. 
Floor Graphics. 
Shop fitting kits - Shelving, Lighting, Lightboxes, Frames. 
P.O.S.- Graphics, kits. 
CNC Routing - Set Pieces in MDF & Perspex. 
Pick the phone up today and give us a call to discuss your ideas and requirements, we’re always here to help: 07738 150891 
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